Benefits and Uses of Olive Oil

There is no match for olive oil to keep the body disease-free. It regulates blood sugar levels. It also reduces cholesterol levels, risk of heart disease, diabetes, and digestive problems. Apart from this, the use of olive oil to enhance the flavor in cooking is unparalleled. Olive oil is not only for eating, it can also be applied to the skin. It has many nutrients that are beneficial for the skin.
Nutritional value of olive oil
Olive oil is rich in vitamin K, E, calcium and potassium. It is also rich in beneficial substances like oleic acid and palmitoleic acid. Antioxidants present in olive oil destroy harmful toxic substances in the blood. As a result, our body's immune system increases several times.
Olive oil has many uses
Eating olive oil in winter is very beneficial for the body. People who suffer from gastric problems for a long time should eat one olive every day. Regular consumption of olives keeps the gallbladder functioning well. Reduces the risk of gallstones.
Not only this, olive oil also prevents colds and coughs. It contains fatty acids, which are very beneficial for skin and hair. For those who have hair loss problem, eat olives regularly and apply olive oil on hair if needed. It strengthens the hair roots and restores shine to the hair. In addition, olive oil reduces cellular stress and prevents premature aging.
Let's take a look at how olive oil protects our health-
Olive oil is rich in healthy fats
The beneficial fats contained in olive oil are necessary to keep the body healthy . There is no substitute for beneficial fats, especially for maintaining hormonal and brain function. Therefore, consuming olive oil regularly is very important. Monounsaturated fats like oleic acid in particular are very beneficial for health. It also contains omega six fatty acids, which give us extra protection by increasing the body's immune system.
Helps reduce cholesterol levels
The use of olive oil in our diet keeps bad cholesterol levels under control. As a result, the risk of any major damage to the heart is reduced. Polyphenols present in olive oil increase cell performance. Due to this, the elasticity of the arterial wall increases. This oil is very beneficial for our stomach.
Keeps away diabetes
Consume extra virgin olive oil regularly, you will see that diabetes will not even come close to you. This is because the poly and monounsaturated fats present in olive oil lower glucose levels and absorb carbohydrates, which enhances insulin action. As a result, the risk of high blood sugar levels is reduced.
Decreased incidence of stomach diseases
Indigestion along with gas-heartburn is now our daily companion, so are indigestion problems. Olive oil contains monosaturated fat which helps in improving bowel movement. Along with that, the problem of constipation is also removed. Hence, experts recommend consuming more olive oil. Regular consumption of one spoon of olive oil mixed with equal amount of lemon juice improves constipation.
Keeps away diseases like cancer
Antioxidants present in olive oil prevent oxidative damage by destroying harmful toxic substances in our body. It also destroys cancer cells. Regular consumption of olive oil prevents abnormal cell formation in our body. It also protects the body from epigenic changes. As a result, the risk of cancer is greatly reduced.
Controls blood pressure
Olive oil is rich in unsaturated fats and polyphenols, which keep blood pressure under control. So, use olive oil in home cooking to protect the health of family members. You can also eat raw olive oil to get extra nutrients.
Reduces the incidence of stress-depression
Just by consuming olive oil, the body releases a type of 'feel good' hormone called serotonin. It helps reduce depression. Moreover, the omega-3 fatty acids present in olive oil are very effective in preventing depression.
In increasing brain power
No match for olive oil to boost brain power. The fatty acids present in it increase brain fertility. Not only this, it also removes the Beta-Amyloid Plaque formed in the brain cells. As a result, nerve cells are activated and performance increases.
Weight control
Don't forget to eat olive oil to lose weight fast. It helps in digestion and keeps blood sugar under control. Moreover, vitamin-E, antioxidants, flavan-3-ols, anthocyanins, flavonoids and polymers present in olives help in weight loss by preventing free radicals.
Reduces body inflammation
As the level of inflammation in the body begins to rise, it can cause serious damage to the heart, as well as the risk of developing diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and arthritis. Olive oil is extremely effective in reducing this unwanted inflammation. It is rich in anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory components, which control the level of inflammation in a very short period of time and provide health protection.
To cure body pain
Mix 20 spoons of olive oil with 200 milliliters of water. Add 10 spoons of Saindhava salt. Make this mixture of olive oil and salt and massage it on the painful area for 15 minutes every day.
Reduces the risk of heart disease
Olive oil is very beneficial for heart patients. Olive oil provides essential fats to fuel a weak heart. For this purpose, take one and a half cups of extra virgin oil, 8-10 dried rosemary leaves, a pinch of sea salt and pepper in a small pan. Then burn it for 5-10 minutes. After some time take off the stove and take the extract and store it in a bottle. You can use the prepared jelly with salads, soups and other favorite foods to get better results.
Olive oil for ear problems
Many people have common problems like itching and smelly ears. To remove these problems, soak a cotton bar in olive oil and use it very carefully in the ear.
To stop snoring
Medicinal properties in olive oil help to stop snoring. So, take a sip of olive oil every day before going to bed. It lubricates your larynx and stops snoring.
To remove dark circles
If you have dark circles under your eyes, massage a little olive oil before going to bed at night. And wash off the next morning. Daily use of olive oil regularly removes dark spots under the eyes.
Moreover, olive oil fills our vitamin A deficiency. It protects us from all other eye diseases including cataracts and glaucoma.
The solution to the problem of cracked feet
Embarrassed to put your feet out in front of someone due to foot problems? Massage olive oil on your feet before going to bed at night and wear socks while sleeping. And the next morning with soft fluffy feet put on your favorite sandals and leave for your destination.
As a lip scrubber
Sometimes dead skin accumulates on the lips and looks black. To get rid of this problem, mix olive oil and lemon juice together and rub on the lips. It will remove the dead skin of the lips. Also, mix a teaspoon of olive oil, a few drops of lemon juice and half a spoon of sugar to keep lips soft and prevent chapped lips. Apply this mixture on the lips and massage until the sugar dissolves.
Nail care
Olive oil is also great for keeping brittle nails and cuticles healthy, beautiful and soft. Take a few drops of extra virgin olive oil on your fingertips and massage well over and around the nails. It will make the nails strong and shiny. Or, massage olive oil into the nails and surrounding skin every night before going to bed. Gradually the tendency to break the nails will decrease and the nails will become attractive.
Good source of iron
When iron deficiency occurs, our body tissues do not get enough oxygen. As a result, the body becomes weak. Iron is a great source of energy in the body. You can eat black olives daily to eliminate iron deficiency. It is rich in iron and vitamins. Above all, a moderate amount of iron-rich foods should be consumed to perform physiological functions properly.
Olive oil bath
Take a bath by mixing 5 tablespoons of olive oil in a bucket of water. Or, massaging the whole body with olive oil before showering will get better results.
Make-up remover
According to experts, olive oil is also the best for removing eye makeup. It also works well to lift mascara on the eyelids or remove dark spots and wrinkles under the eyes. Olive oil hydrates and softens the wrinkled skin around the eyes. And apply olive oil on fingertips or cotton pad to remove skin makeup. Then gently remove all the make-up in a circular motion. Then complete your make-up removal process with a good quality cleanser.
What happens when you put olive oil in your mouth?
Olive oil is rich in anti-bacterial agents that protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun. So apply some olive oil on your face before going out.
Moreover, olive oil is also anti-acne. For oral use, make a paste by mixing 4 tablespoons of salt with 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Then massage this paste for 2 minutes. If you massage this paste regularly for a week, you will definitely see a change in your face.
Also, olive oil is very light compared to any other oil, so it can be easily mixed with the mouth. Therefore, mix 1/2 cup of olive oil, 1/4 cup of vinegar and 1/4 cup of water to make a solution, which can be used as a night cream while sleeping at night. Olive oil softens the skin, and vinegar protects the skin by destroying bacteria.
Benefits of Olive Oil for Hair
You can use olive oil to protect your hair. Olive oil works wonders as a moisturizer.
Olive oil helps to make hair thick and shiny. A few drops of olive oil along with egg yolk will make your hair soft and attractive. You can also mix tea liquor, lemon juice and olive oil well and use it on your hair. It works as a hair treatment.
Follow the steps below to take extra care of your hair-
1. For those who have dandruff problem, massage this oil on the head twice a week. Mixing a few drops of lemon juice with oil gives very good results. Also, mix equal amount of olive oil and almond oil together and rub it on the roots of the hair and wait for 1 hour before shampooing. If you do this for 3 weeks, the dandruff will reduce a lot.
2. Also, mix a little coconut oil with olive oil and dip the ends of the hair in it. It leaves the hair soft, and there is no risk of breakage.
3. Again, dip a comb in olive oil and comb your hair to remove frizziness. It will moisturize the hair and reduce the frizziness.
4. You can also use olive oil instead of conditioner. After shampooing, take a few drops of olive oil on the palm and rub it well with both hands. Then apply it gently on the hair.
5. And massage your hair with warm olive oil at least once a week. Leave the oil on your hair for 2/3 hours and then shampoo. Then you will notice shiny and healthy hair.
Thus, you can take care of your hair at home using olive oil rich in herbs.
Benefits of Olive Oil on Skin
The antioxidants present in olive oil protect the skin from ultra-violet radiation. It reduces the risk of skin cancer. Olive oil also contains vitamins A and E that keep the skin fresh. So, mix olive oil with a little water and massage it all over your body every day after taking a bath. You will see that the fatigue of the body will be removed and the body will remain moist throughout the night. If you massage the body skin well with olive oil every day, wrinkles do not fall easily.
Also, olive oil acts as an antiseptic if there is a cut or scratch anywhere on the body. In a clean container, mix well the extra virgin oil, coconut oil, calendula and lavender oil, beeswax, tea leaves as required. It works great in healing wounds.
Olive oil is also safe for baby skin. Apply a little olive oil to remove rashes from children's buttocks. Those who have itchy skin problems can feel free to apply this oil on their skin. Olive oil softens and smooths extra dry, patchy skin. Olive oil contains hydrating agents, which soften baby's skin.
Types of Olive Oil
There are roughly four types of olive oil available in the market; Classic or virgin olive oil, extra virgin olive oil, olive pomace oil and light flavored olive oil. Olive oil can be used as an alternative to soybean or mustard oil in our daily cooking.
Let's take a look at the nutritional value of different types of olive oil-
Extra Virgin Olive Oil:
It is the best quality olive oil. You can use extra virgin olive oil to enhance the flavor in cooking. You can also eat it as a butter substitute. It is more healthy than other herbal oils. Extra virgin olive oil is prepared from the original extract of olives. And it is also very low in oleic acid. You can take it as pure oil.
Extra virgin olive oil has zero calories. As a result it helps in weight loss. Using extra virgin olive oil in cooking helps prevent diabetes. It maintains the balance of insulin in the body. Also, extra virgin olive oil contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are essential for brain development. Extra virgin olive oil contains powerful antioxidant polyphenols and fats. It protects our body from various diseases.
Classic or Virgin Olive Oil:
Classic olive oil is most commonly used in cooking. It has very low acid content. There is no substitute for classic olive oil when cooking pasta, stir-fried vegetables or rice. It also works well as a moisturizer. As a result, classic olive oil is also suitable for use on hair and skin.
Olive Pomace Oil:
Olive pomace is an ideal oil for cooking due to its odorlessness and slight yellow color. This oil is very good for deep frying due to its high boiling point. You can use olive pomace oil to make Polao, Parota and even Pakora.
Light Flavored Olive Oil:
You can easily recognize this olive oil for its light color and mild smell. With it you can make continental cooking, frying, roasting or baking and even any kind of padi with ease.
How to identify genuine olive oil
The freeze test is a very effective way to determine if the olive oil you are using is genuine. For this, take some olive oil in a container and keep it in the deep freezer for 2 hours. If you find that the olive oil has solidified after taking it out of the fridge or is liquid, then you will know that it is not pure olive oil. But if you see, the light is congealed or thickened, then you can assume it is genuine.
Again, a small glass container can be sprayed with a little olive oil to seal its mouth. Then apply a small amount of heat to it. If the aroma of olive oil is stronger than before when you open the lid of the container, then you know that it is extra virgin olive oil. And if the aroma diminishes, then you will know that it is not genuine extra virgin olive oil.
For long-term use, always store olive oil in a cool place. And if you can keep it in a dark place, then it doesn't matter. Olive oil loses its nutritional value at very high temperatures. Therefore, olive oil bottles should never be left in a warm place. If olive oil is stored in this way, it will be good for up to three years.
Description of Olive Oil in Qur'an and Hadith
The Prophet (PBUH) ordered, eat Zaytun oil (olive oil) and rub it on your body. For it comes from the blessed tree. (Sahih Tirmidhi, Ahmad).
In this context, Allah Ta'ala says, 'And He produces for you with this water various crops, olives, dates, grapes and all kinds of fruits. Surely in it are signs for those who think. (Surah: Nahl: 11)
Its benefits and uses are not only proven by the Qur'an and Hadith, but there is extensive discussion about it in medical science as well. When fat accumulates in the blood vessels of the heart, the risk of a heart attack is highest. Nutrient properties of olive oil prevent heart block. Moreover, applying a few drops of olive oil on the face after washing the face with lukewarm water is very beneficial. Olive oil also helps prevent allergies. Olives are rich in vitamin C, which is very effective in healing skin infections and other wounds.
Olive oil price
Olive oil is slightly more expensive than other edible oils. Variations in olive oil prices can be observed in the international market depending on the band. The price of 1 liter extra virgin oil in domestic market is 1000 to 1300 Tk. Classic, pomace and light flavored olive oil are available at Tk 1100 to 1200.
Olive oil is packed with immense nutritional value. It is very useful resource to keep our body active. Olive oil is now the most in demand as an edible oil considering its food quality.