Benefits of olive oil and lemon juice

benefits of lemon juice Vitamin C as well as antioxidants are found in lemon juice. the ones we like. Lemon juice contains a good amount of vitamin C. In addition, the flavonoids present in it are an antioxidant that can also fight inflammation.
Can Lemon Juice and Olive Oil Help You Detox? In fact, lemon juice and olive oil have their own benefits. But if these two are taken together then they are helpful in detoxifying the body. The antioxidants present in both lemon juice and olive oil cleanse the body in a way. For this, you wake up in the morning and mix 3 drops of lemon juice in a spoonful of olive oil. Drink it on an empty stomach and then take a break of half an hour. Only then have breakfast. By consuming it regularly, you will start feeling light in a few days.
Lose Weight With Olive Oil And Lemon Juice Vitamin C present in lemon helps the body to make carnitine. This is extremely important because carnitine carries fat into our body's cells, and that fat eventually turns into energy as it is broken down. In this way, the vitamin C found in lemon juice provides fat burning effect to the body.
Other Benefits of Lemon Juice and Olive Oil In addition to losing weight and eliminating free radicals, many people believe that combining lemon juice with olive oil has countless other health benefits. For example, some say that lemon juice and olive oil can help with kidney stones and gallstones, improve digestion, or help stave off signs of aging. However, no study scientifically confirms any such benefits. Side Effects of Lemon Juice and Olive Oil It is true that lemon juice and olive oil have numerous health benefits. However, some people may also have to face its side effects. For example, a person may be allergic to it. Such people should avoid consuming it. At the same time, the acid present in lemon juice can damage your teeth if you consume it in excess.